A True Garden Salad

This is the first year I’ve planted lettuce in my garden, I’ve been a little bit apprehensive to in the past because I didn’t know how to grow or harvest it.  A neighbor showed me how, and it’s very easy.  After planting the lettuce, you simply peel off the leaves that you want each day and use it fresh in your salad.  Or you can let it grow quite large and then just pull the whole head out and eat it and plant a new one.  I have enough lettuce here for a salad every day for lunch and dinner.  It’s crazy!  I planted 2 french variates of lettuce, a red leaf, spinach, cabbage, and 2 green leaf plants.  As you can see they are quite prolific, even though we’re eating them every day.


I use this awesome mini salad spinner to whirl my greens, get them clean and dry and very crispy.  I try to steer clear of plastics because of their link to cancer, so I like this stainless steel variety.  Using this makes my salad taste incredibly fresh.  You would be amazed how much better lettuce tastes from the garden than from a plastic bag at the store.

Here’s what I put in my garden salad today

This cutting board is BPA free

lettuce from the garden

cauliflower from the garden

zucchini from the garden

mini bell peppers


Other things I add sometimes: tuna, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, etc

To top it, I used my favorite Annie’s Lemon and Chive dressing which is dairy free

My kids will begrudgingly eat this garden salad, but I do enjoy it for a lunch and don’t share often.  I did eat that whole bowl all by myself 🙂

**Positively Mommy occasionally provides recipes and other information about food preparation. Please keep in mind that it is the reader’s responsibility to determine the value of these recipes, nutritional and otherwise. It is also the reader’s responsibility to determine the safety of the preparation instructions. Recipes are prepared “at your own risk.” We assume no liability, obligation, or warranty with respect to these recipes. Positively Mommy is not responsible for any damage, medically or otherwise, that could result from preparation of these recipes. Visitors must take care to check the instructions provided and determine their value and any possible medical condition that may arise from the preparation instructions and consumption of the ingredients listed in this site’s recipes.

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